Final Great Awakening

We believe Christians will become aflame for Christ – many flames make a Fire – the result of Christ-like teaching.
We desire to experience the love and fellowship of the Holy Spirit – the fire of the Holy Spirit.
The fire of God brings us to repentance and into peace, which enables us to grow in Christ-likeness with Christ-life great awakening article
Holy Spirit’s Power demonstrates who Jesus is.
We need the Baptism of Holy Spirit.
We need the Baptism of Fire by the Baptiser – Lord Jesus Christ.
There are NO limits to God!
There are NO limits for Us!
There is power in One Believer!
But the Power of Many believers in unlimited!
The Power of Christ in Us!
Let the Prophetic Vision and Seer Prophetic Church be established, built on the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the Chief Corner Stone.
Prophetic Meetings should be the norm.
We need to engage in spiritual warfare, challenging the prophets of Baal.
We are to answer with Fire – the reality of His Power, which brings Faith and Freedom in Christ. God’s Power released to stop the rain or to start the rain.
When the fire comes and the rain comes, there will be rivers of Revival.
Forgiveness shall flow with repentance and deep sorrow for sins shall shall be demonstrated in the fear of God Almighty.
We hear the sound of Rain – God is near, close as a breath away.